As part of license you get Math for free - a question bank and test making tool for Math teachers is now integrated with Microsoft Teams for Education. Read more

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Doing self-correction tasks/homework exams/tests saves a lot of time for me and also gives me the opportunity to check more often that the students have understood. I also appreciate that it is easy to use. The students quickly understand how Exam works. I am very fond of the anonymisation feature. It is nice not to have a preconceived notion about how a student usually performs when I’m about to assess a task.



Södertörns friskola, Huddinge


I am REALLY very happy with Exam! Easy to use, easy to create tests, easy to handle. avoids getting all student answers to my email, and anonymization provides fair assessment - less risk that I read things that are not in the answer just because I know which student answered. I know that they cannot cheat by looking things up on the internet when the unit is locked. It is clever that no student accounts are required but only a code or key as we always have students who do not remember email addresses and passwords etc. Good that the tests are saved and I can access them whenever I find the time. It is easy to print, easy to share with a colleague - especially for us who work in two-teacher systems - so both have access to student answers. Good to be able to color mark text. Students appreciate being able to write digitally instead of paper and pen and I do not have to sit and interpret difficult handwriting - as I said: Very happy!!




Sweden took all the anxiety associated with online assessments away and replaced it with confidence and a sense of surety and control. The world is changing so fast. Two years ago the very idea of exams online was completely foreign to me, and now it feels like the "new normal", this is thanks to for me. My colleagues and I all use this website on a regular basis and it works SO well! Thank you! Keep up the fabulous work!

Ashalin Singh

High School Creative and Dramatic Arts Teacher

Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls

South Africa is extremely easy to use, as PDF files can be uploaded, and they also have the option for students to scan and upload their answers. It has provided us with a secure exam platform to conduct our online exams.

Teesta Haldar

High School Social Sciences

Calcutta International School (Kolkata)


I am very happy with Use it for both larger tests but also for small ‘exit tickets' to check how much the students have understood and where they are in relation to the level of knowledge at the time. It is easy to use for both students and me as a teacher, a very good tool in my teaching.



British Junior


I use for basically all examinations because it facilitates problems with cheating and also makes the students work purposefully and focused during the examination period.



Fridegårdsgymnasiet i Bålsta


I think it's a good way to be able to have tests on the computer without having to put the computers in a high security mode (even if you can also do so with!). The chat feature is also a great advantage; instead of walking around the classroom whispering to the students, I now exclusively use the chat, which gives a completely calm classroom at exams + I can also send out a message to the whole class about any question I get from several students, how much time is left, etc.

Malin Bengtsson


Thoren Framtid i Karlshamn


It works very well overall when you want to let the students write a more open test instead of an assignment. It’s easy to create exams by uploading documents or simply by pasting text into the document. It’s easy to overview the information about the students and their tests.

Linus Jonsson




I think Exam works very well. It facilitates the assessment of students, especially in test situations. It has many good and valuable features, e.g. that students can be anonymous when I’m assessing. It gives a fairer assessment.





Very good. It splits your correction time in half as you do not have to ‘decode’ students' handwriting. It's easy to use and supplies good helping tools. The chat function is very good as students can ask questions during the test without disturbing others. This can be used in distant teaching as well. For example, the teacher and student can sit in different rooms, but the teacher can still supervise the student during the test. The students are very happy with Exam and appreciate the spell checking help to be turned on. The tool is also a great help for students who have not been in Sweden for long to be able to use a dictionary.

Agnetha Methander




As a senior high school teacher I appreciate because of its clarity, both for me as a teacher, as well as for my students in test situations. It is very user friendly, as well for me who constructs the exams with the help of the various tools available, but also for my students who in the test situation are met by a clarity. A big plus is that the students can hand in the exam and then resume it. Overall I think is a very good tool.

Kristoffer Filipsson


S:t Eskils gymnasium

Sweden has helped me as a teacher a ton. The fact that we have so many students who do not always succeed in expressing their answers in writing with pen and paper has now meant that these students can construct their answers by typing. It is also smoother for me since I no longer need to keep track of a lot of papers and drag them home wtih me. Everything is on, so whether I am at home or at work I have the students’ tests with me, which is very smooth. It is very simple to use and I have even shown my colleagues how to use the website. You can hardly go wrong if you need to learn on your own. It's very clear and simple to upload tests. Now the implementation of self-correcting multiple-choice questions has also come in (something I have completely missed and am very curious about how it works and will test it during week 46).The students also think it's incredibly smooth to write on the computers. Another plus for me as a teacher is that I can see what they write, which sometimes can be pure guesswork when the students write by hand.



Kunskapsskolan Jönköping


I use for all my written examinations. There is no better alternative. Children write badly and half illegibly - but not on children need spelling tools, special supporting measures and speech synthesis - sometimes in several different languages. These are already on exam. As a teacher you don't want to risk losing any tests and, if you are like me, you want to be able to correct digitally. Which Exam provides. There is no reason to use paper and pen unless the students themselves want to. Enter the digitalisation and let the school adjust to the children instead of the other way round!



Mjällby skola


Most students prefer writing on the computer instead of writing by hand. It also facilitates reading text that is data written. To have tests lying in a drawer or on a bookshelf is not secure. If you bring the piles, you worry that the material might get lost. It is easy to find the students’ answers when giving feedback or when grading if you want to go back.





Being able to conduct tests with automatic correction is a good feature that facilitates my work as a teacher a lot, especially in diagnostic tests or minor tests where students are not expected to write so much "free text" or long reasoning answers. I also appreciate the high-security mode - you know as a teacher that students cannot cheat, collaborate or Google answers online. The possibility to give students access to spell check and dictionaries in different languages ​​is great!

Johan Andersson


Örnaskolan Hylte kommun


Exam is very smooth to use for different types of writing assignments. It is easy to print the students’ answers in one and the same document, it saves me an incredible amount of time. The students like to write on the computer and think that Exam is easy to use. It’s good that I can choose which information I want them to fill in before, for example name, e-mail, class etc, but also that I can have the students’ answers fully anonymised in a simple way. It's very positive to be able to attach images or PDF files with information that they are supposed to write about.

Johanna Werder




It's a good tool, especially for the students, where they have access to different tools. They receive spelling help (if they wish) and they have the possibility to listen to the questions that one has written. The exams are very secure for the teacher, since the student is disconnected from the test if he or she tries to go online. For me as a teacher it is very practical and simple to save the tests and I can use the same test for several classes. All of this saves me a lot of time and makes it easier to assess students. One of the best things with is that it's easy to use.

Mats Lindroos


Nyköpings högstadium - Omega


I am VERY pleased with since all tests are gathered in one place which make them very easily accessible. The page is easy to use, it's easy to edit tests and there are possibilities to use dictionaries and spelling tools considering which skills that are to be tested and practised. The needs of the group is what decides which tools that are relevant. An additional thing that helps me a lot during the test is if a student is messing around and bothers the other students, then there is the possibility to close the test for an individual student without it affecting the others. This detail in particular, makes the students taking the test on more seriously and they are more relaxed since it provides a calm study environment. Everybody works under the same conditions, that is everyone has access to the same teaching aids during the test. If a student needs to communicate with me, perhaps ask a question about a task, it can be done in the chat without bothering the rest of the group or the concentration. Another thing that I appreciate with is that the student can continue doing the test multiple times by resuming the test. The test can be sent to Ouriginal (by Turnitin) which saves me time to do something else.

Fatima Bergendahl




A really good tool. Some of the good things with it are: - The security. The fact that you can use a protected browser is very practical and my experience is that it works really well. - Good functions for reasonable adjustments. It's great that you can add attachments and use dictionaries. - Clear and simple layout.

Gustaf Lindholm



Sweden has helped me save time with assessment of students’ tasks since I get computer written material instead of the student’s own scrawl. The students have more possibilities to get access to different teaching aids such as translation and spelling tools. I can even make sure that students who need more time can come up with their answer at another occasion. What I first and foremost appreciate with is the fact that I can anonymize the students’ answers so that I can assess their answers without knowing whose test I am checking. In that way I only assess what's written and the students can also relax knowing that I cannot put any other values into who has done the writing. When I have assessed the answer I can find out which student had written it and add further feedback to the final assessment of the test. Many students also appreciate the chat function so that they can easily communicate with the teacher. I, as a teacher, also appreciate the possibility of deciding how to re invite a student who has been tossed out of the system, or if I even want the cheat protection at all. By turning off the cheat protection completely and allowing a web browser, I can also make sure that the students don't work with a task at home that I want them to do in school.

Matilda Ahlin


Skiftingehus skola, Eskilstuna kommun


What I first and foremost appreciate with is the fact that I can anonymize the students’ answers so that I can assess their answers without knowing whose test I am checking. In that way I only assess what's written and the students can also relax knowing that I cannot put any other values into who has done the writing. After I have assessed the answers, I can find out which student had written it and add further feedback to the final assessment of the test.

Anton Örjes-Liljedahl


Kunskapsskolan Nacka


A very useful tool as I can, to a very large extent, adapt it to my own wishes. To be able to correct anonymously is incredibly good and gives me a feeling of accuracy in my assessment. To be able to make individual adjustments for students with special needs is also worth gold! As well as being able to share tests with colleagues if desired. The new function to be able to chat with students who are logged into writing mode, is also incredibly useful. There are only positive experiences on my part. Not to mention the accessibility to the support! Absolutely outstanding!

Matilda Karlsson


Aspero Idrottsgymnasium

Sweden facilitates the examination of, above all, exams. The security of the site is high and students can write long answers. As a teacher, I don't have to be uptight to detect cheating. The archive function and structure make it easy to copy and modify old tests. The program is intuitive and easy to learn and use. I can open exams and email exam keys to remedial teachers and other staff who conduct exams for certain students.

Daniel Strömberg


Anderstorpsgymnasiet, Skellefteå


First and foremost, thank you for creating such an amazing platform. It really did come in handy when my country, Malaysia, was in total lockdown last year. One of the teachers from my school stumbled upon this website and we have been using it ever since. Thank you for allowing us to use it for free last year. Since it served us well, my school principal decided to purchase the license this year for us to carry out the exams. What I like about this platform are the features and how convenient it is to run the tests. It is not too complicated - easy for students (even primary school students) to use this platform. Its security features make it possible to lock students out if they choose to leave the webpage. I can even conduct listening tests via this platform since I can upload the audio files. Apart from that, there's a record of students' activity and I can see how much they have written while the test is going on. There is actually a lot more that I could write about. I'd just like to sum it up in three words - It's the best! I'd recommend it to other schools without hesitation.Thank you!

Jennifer William Dungal


Pelita International School

Malaysia is a great way to have students complete a test, such as an essay, in class - using their laptop computers. It does not allow students to copy and paste, and kicks them out of the session if they leave it and go to the internet. This makes it much more difficult for students to cheat.

Tony Sarver


King Abdullah Academy (Virginia)

USA by far is the most intuitive online platform I have ever used. It is so good that I hardly needed a manual or instructions to maneuver my way on the platform. I am particularly happy with the introduction of a recent feature, which is the auto-marked multiple choice questions (MCQs). Creating the MCQ is also very smooth with no cumbersome steps to follow. I find the design of the monitoring of candidates while taking the exam very well thought of, exploiting real insights from actual testing situations.

Hartinah Annuar

Curriculum and Learning Specialist

Chartered Institute of Islamic Finance Professionals


Outstanding! An incredible user friendly platform for both students and teachers to navigate. With online exams being this easy to deliver, I would recommend that we do them more often. The creators should be so pleased with this quality product.



Hunter Valley Grammar School

Australia has been very useful in carrying out secure online assessments. The exam mode feature discourages cheating and the handwritten scanned submission allows easy access to submitted student work. I can put a timer and respond to student queries via chat which makes proctoring the exam more convenient. The students and teachers really appreciate the user-friendly interface. Thank you team!


Psychology/TOK Teacher

Woodstock School

India is easy to use, students have no problems with delivery and / or performance during the test. Both correction and evaluation are fast; moreover, during the distance teaching period, the programme allows you to see the students' work almost directly and, if necessary, intervene with some directives. Furthermore, the chat between teacher and student limits the disturbance during the test.


Social Science Teacher

Liceo Scientifico "Padre Giovanni Bonsignori"


Very useful exam tool, really easy to use, particularly convenient for a large group of students where it was previously difficult and time consuming to read handwritten answers. (I am not sure, though, how easy it is to cheat when students write from home...)



Fakulteta za družbene vede, Univerza v Ljubljani


In these days of online teaching, I find most convenient to use for assessments. The high security mode gives authenticity to the assessments. The tools, such as calculators, and other resources related to my subject makes it a single source for students.


IBDP Coordinator

The Cathedral & John Connon School


I appreciate that it is easy to create tests and that it is a system that students understand. It's a great way to have all tests collected in one place. That way you cannot lose them.





I discovered in March 2020. I didn't just want software that prevented cheating or plagiarism. I was looking for a platform that could offer me a secure testing platform. I really appreciate the many features that provides:
* Choice in the level of test security
* The ability to copy & paste or use a PDF in creating exam questions
* A variety of tools available during the exam: spell check, timers, items for students with disabilities
* At the conclusion of the test, the teacher has the opportunity to choose how the exams are stored or accessed for grading purposes (EX - you may print, download as PDF or Word Doc, upload to Google Drive/One Drive)
* You can obtain a security report
* Students can ask questions via a live chat with the teacher during the test

The best part is, was easy to learn. I have created a tutorial for teachers at my school as well as conducted a PD. After using it once or twice teachers really seem to get the hang of the format. has a great platform and the customer service has also been phenomenal. I highly recommend educators and schools consider using"

Carol Cecil

High School Social Sciences Teacher

G. Holmes Braddock, Florida

USA has helped me offer differentiated assessments as well as implement summative assessments more easily. I am much less worried about cheating and/or plagiarism with summative assessments, as I can be actively engaged in their test taking experience, whether they are sitting in front of me or through zoom.

Mark Mangual

Social Sciences Teacher

International School of Curitiba


It's a great tool for me as a teacher because it offers me a diversity in questions along with the security and auto markup exams options. My MS students are very happy because they face the exam as a challenge and they have learned new options to incorporate their answers into the exam and it has also helped them develop new thinking skills. Do not hesitate to use It's great and you will get many rewards with your students.

Francisco Rivera




It is simply the best site on the Internet to take exams, with students in different languages, in different countries, with a high level of security that they will not copy texts, and that they can communicate with the teacher, even though he is not in the room. Another advantage is that it allows students with reduced mobility, less hearing, or with less motor ability to take an exam under more equal conditions. Cristián Saavedra P. Teacher UCN Chile Teacher Ues in Mexico and Colombia

Cristian Andres Saavedra Patiño


Universidad Católica del Norte


It’s easy to use Exam with all its tools. I can adjust to students in need of specific adjustments and I can also silently communicate with students during the test. I don't need to move students around, everyone can stay in their place while doing the test since each and everyone writes in their own chromebook. Also, the possibilities for cheating are minimized.

Annette Lindau


Brunnsåkersskolan, Halmstad


It is great as the helps to conduct exams. With its many features it becomes efficient to work with and therefore one can conduct exams with ease.


Social Sciences Teacher

JBCN international school


The reliability (there are no failures in uploading responses). The security of being able to continue responding offline if the power goes out. Inability to switch between pages and copy paste.


Social Sciences Professor

Universidade de Coimbra


It is easy to use and simulates a classical paper-based exam that I was looking for in the lock-down. All questions are uploaded in a PDF file. What do I like the most? 1. to see what students are writing. If there are any misunderstandings, a teacher can inform all students or only a single one a comment. 2. communication that is taking place in the system. So, nobody is disturbed if a student asks something or the teacher says something to a student. In the end, a teacher can send a message about the time it takes to finish the exam to all students. The message arrives on the student's screen. 3. all students' answers are downloaded in one single PDF file. A teacher can easily write comments on the answers (on desktop/laptop computer or on a tablet computer) and also easily compare students' responses. All responses are typed so they can be read easily. 4. I do not need to take care of SafeExamBrowser. The last working version is available on site. I do not use the other features, but I see them as very handy. I am thinking of using in the classical environment, mostly because of the features I use and like.



Fakulteta za management, Univerza na Primorskem

Slovenia is extremely easy to use, as PDF files can be uploaded, and they also have the option for students to scan and upload their answers. It has provided us with a secure exam platform to conduct our online exams.



Calcutta International School (Kolkata)


This site is the best to maintain the academic quality that schools seek to have. Because of this site it is as if we were still in the onsite setup, and it made it possible for us to generate assessments that still catered to the learning of the students.

Marrion Celis


Brightwoods School

Philippines has been the best COVID friendly resource I used all year. My students were able to take tests at home, in person and fully online. I wasn't worried about cheating because of the locking feature has. I used it mostly with middle school students and they used it with ease. It was also easy to create the tests as I could not use paper as I have done in the past. Before I found I used many sites that just were not as effective or user friendly. Nothing compares to this. This year was super challenging for all - students, parents and especially teachers. It was amazing to have this tool and I am so thankful for it. I can't express my appreciation enough! It was a highlight of my year! Thank you!

Jaimee Martin

Middle School Social Sciences Teacher

West Bridgewater Middle/Senior High School (Massachusetts)


I LOVE and definitely saved us as a school when we had to apply distance learning during this pandemic. is a platform that has allowed us to apply exams remotely without losing the seriousness of the examination dynamics. It is very easy to use, intuitive to determine how to qualify the exam and offers many options to be able to evaluate students. The screen lock is undoubtedly one of the greatest advantages, but also the message system, the timer and the word counter.





The application has really been quite useful to me, all the more so because of the challenges imposed by remote teaching. Unlike other platforms, it supports exams with different modalities: multiple choice questions, fill in the gaps, free text, etc. It offers graphical and mathematical tools for carrying out the tests. It is relatively easy to use and allows students to be controlled during the test.

Constanza Montoya Restrepo


Universidad Nacional de Colombia


Examinations, marking and grading, result declaration and progress reports are a routine process in every educational environment around the world. I feel that due to the challenges and the level of technology acceptance, some discrepancies might be noticed. The whole world has closed its doors in all schools and colleges at levels from kindergarten to doctoral program from the month of February/March 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The online courses have been at the forefront of the world of education. At this point, it was that paved the way to offer all of their services free of charge to our institute in India. I immediately tried using internal placement tests and exams for all my classwork using is suitable for both students and teachers. The creation of question banks is very convenient and easy to use. When the test starts, the real-time monitoring is also better with good feedback information. None of my students have ever complained or raised any difficulties. Everything was very user friendly and reliable. Basically, I have used flipped classrooms and MOOCs in my teaching for many years. But the exam wasn't my priority as we believed more in pen and paper. I adopt the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on campus in all my volunteer teaching and initiatives. But when it comes to exams, going digital and accepting virtual registrations is a mindset and people still have thousands of FAQs. Here has proven to be a gamechanger. It is reliable with top security and an easy to manage platform for all exams. I personally felt that these will be the exams of the future and the first name to think of is

Chandran A


R.V.Institute of Management

India helped a lot during the period of distance learning. The site is easy to navigate, intuitive and provides different options for creating varieties of assessments. You can combine questions, and if you put more effort in creating the questions and adding the correct answers, the auto-marking works perfectly. You can always provide guidelines for marking the free response questions to make the assessment more objective. I find it very useful even now, when we are back to school in person, because students that are quarantined can still take the exam from home. Highly recommended.

Viktorija Dimitrovska

High School Learning Specialist IBDP Psychology Teacher

Nova Intentional Schools

North Macedonia

In the health emergency caused by Covid-19, enabled me to organize and conduct my exams effectively and efficiently. I found easy to use. With I got the task automatically assessed, the ability to load PDF resources (in my case forms), I can use tools (in my case calculators) and monitor the performance in real time, which was appreciated a lot for students’ homework. I was able to take exams completely remotely with three or four different tasks at the same time. The student experience was positive, nobody ever complained. Now I have also brought the PC into classroom teaching and will continue to take exams with Students have no problem with that.



Sapienza Università di Roma


I have appreciated using and have shared it with my other colleagues. It is user-friendly and academically well-thought. has helped me significantly in conducting examinations remotely. It has been a great help during the pandemic. Thank you very much.

Tamara Aleksidze


Tbilisi State University


This resource is a life-saver for home-based learning and lockdowns. I would recommend this for timed tests or assessments such as essays. It's very easy and reliable. I would recommend some practice sessions with students beforehand.



Sacred Heart Girls' College

