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The program has facilitated many tests both at a distance and in the classroom! I have uploaded PDF files and audio files in my tests. Most often I use the SEB mode, which gives security (in the classroom). The students seem to appreciate since it is easy to use. The students also thought that it was good that they could see how many words they had written. It is nice as a teacher to have all the tests gathered in one digital place! It is also nice that there is a chat in the program!



Thorén Business School

Sweden provides a great balance between intuitive, user-friendly interface and just enough security to make cheating harder. I started by just pasting text questions into the exam and correcting them manually, but when I shifted to self-correcting tests it got even more useful. The exam questions are easy to format, and even easier to grade. Although there are a few tricks to learn, like how to monitor tests and chat with students who have problems, it's surprisingly user-friendly.

Thomas Rankin

University Languages Professor

Sapienza Università di Roma


I like that I have complete control over the tests that I want to give. If I want to use an old test that I created in a previous year, I can upload a PDF or Word file of that document. I can create and link a Google Doc, if I want. Or, I can also create a whole new test right in; it's easy and doesn’t take a lot of time. I appreciate, too, that I can give a test to students who are testing in-person, or remotely, or both groups at the same time. I find I don’t have to spend a whole lot of time figuring out how to administer tests, and that has been incredibly helpful during a difficult year.

Dina Marks

High School English Teacher

Ensworth School, Tennessee


It's a fantastic tool to test our students! It provides you with a great variety of tools to make exams. What's more, students find it very easy to use and the possibility of chatting with them while doing the exam is a priceless resource. Another thing that I find fantastic is the fact of monitoring their tests while they are doing it.

Gisela Ozorio

University Language Professor

Colegio Maria Inmaculada


Very good. It splits your correction time in half as you do not have to ‘decode’ students' handwriting. It's easy to use and supplies good helping tools. The chat function is very good as students can ask questions during the test without disturbing others. This can be used in distant teaching as well. For example, the teacher and student can sit in different rooms, but the teacher can still supervise the student during the test. The students are very happy with Exam and appreciate the spell checking help to be turned on. The tool is also a great help for students who have not been in Sweden for long to be able to use a dictionary.

Agnetha Methander




I think it's great that you can divide the different tests under different tabs. Then I can easily structure each class's different tasks and tests and then easily find them again. The same with, for example, words they have every week, that I can have all vocabulary tests under one tab.

Ida Cardesjö



Sweden is a digital tool that facilitates the teacher’s everyday life. The tests can be prepared and are ready to use as soon as you save them. The teacher avoids the stress of printing before the test situation and can make changes in the test until the last moment before the students open it. With high security mode, cheating on the computer can be avoided. The platform has many functions to adjust the tests as required. One example is the adjustments for students with reading and writing difficulties (spellcheck, reading of texts…). This helps the school with equal assessment.



Brunns skola (Värmdö kommun)


It has saved me so much time. I use it for all homework tests and exams. It's easy to create exams, easy to correct, easy to attach documents and audio files. Clear for students. It is good that the students can get a response directly in self-correcting tests.



Åva Gymnasium

Sweden is my preferred way of designing exams for my students because the benefits are so many: - I can make tests that are self-correcting (it saves correction time for me as a teacher) - It is safe against cheating, because students start the test in safety mode - It is a good way for all of those who need to be able to take the test on a computer - The students who are absent can write at the same time as the others in the class. Admittedly, the students who are at home can look at their notes at the same time, but I have solved this by also giving the students in the classroom access to their notes during the test. If you have studied, you know how to find it in your notes (or books) and if you have not studied, notes and books still don't help because you don't know where to look to get the answers anyway. - All exams are collected in one place so you do not run the risk of tests getting lost. - The spelling feature is good for students with spelling difficulties. In other words you can always read what the students write and you do not have to interpret their handwriting - You can always go back and show the tests to the students at a later time.

Li Bäckdahl


Linnéskolan, Älmhult


In particular, the possibility of correcting essays anonymously is awesome. That way you switch off any subliminal sympathies and antipathies that you have towards learners you have been working with for a longer time. The grade will be a bit fairer.

Cyrille Roger Berger


Kantonsschule Seetal


It is very important for me to assess my students not only through group projects and research papers (which strengthens particular skills), but I also need to have my students memorize vocabulary, and learn concepts through studying and applying them; which for me was easier to evaluate on written exams. The way is set up has helped me immensely due to several factors: I can be alerted when the students leaves the exam window (and they have to give me an explanation for it), the students can see on their screens how much time they have left on the exam/quiz (which other platforms do not offer), uploading exams (as PDF files) with audio files is extremely user friendly. After a year of using at no cost, and because of ALL of its great features, we chose to buy the license, and we are very please to say that we will continue using it next school year.

Mariella Nightingale

High School Spanish Teacher

Salesian College Preparatory (California)

USA helped me restore some integrity to my assessments during a very trying time. Students around the globe were cheating on assignments and most of us were extremely frustrated. While there is no foolproof way (at least none I have found) to eliminate cheating in a remote setting, I firmly believe helped minimize instances of academic dishonesty. I also appreciated the ability to chat with students while they were testing and to have multiple tabs logged into simultaneously while I accommodated students making up several different assignments.

Ina Artzt

High School Languages Teacher

Gulliver Prep, Florida


I am VERY pleased with since all tests are gathered in one place which make them very easily accessible. The page is easy to use, it's easy to edit tests and there are possibilities to use dictionaries and spelling tools considering which skills that are to be tested and practised. The needs of the group is what decides which tools that are relevant. An additional thing that helps me a lot during the test is if a student is messing around and bothers the other students, then there is the possibility to close the test for an individual student without it affecting the others. This detail in particular, makes the students taking the test on more seriously and they are more relaxed since it provides a calm study environment. Everybody works under the same conditions, that is everyone has access to the same teaching aids during the test. If a student needs to communicate with me, perhaps ask a question about a task, it can be done in the chat without bothering the rest of the group or the concentration. Another thing that I appreciate with is that the student can continue doing the test multiple times by resuming the test. The test can be sent to Ouriginal (by Turnitin) which saves me time to do something else.

Fatima Bergendahl




A perfect test tool that feels safe and gives me as an educator the possibility to adapt the tests to each student's needs. Easy to work with and flexible!

Kristin Palmborg


British Junior Eskilstuna


A very useful tool as I can, to a very large extent, adapt it to my own wishes. To be able to correct anonymously is incredibly good and gives me a feeling of accuracy in my assessment. To be able to make individual adjustments for students with special needs is also worth gold! As well as being able to share tests with colleagues if desired. The new function to be able to chat with students who are logged into writing mode, is also incredibly useful. There are only positive experiences on my part. Not to mention the accessibility to the support! Absolutely outstanding!

Matilda Karlsson


Aspero Idrottsgymnasium


I use Exam for all assessments at school. The tool is unique because it's so incredibly user - friendly. You can choose how advanced you want to work with it. Usually I enter test assignments and then the students write text in response. The tests remain in the system and can be sorted by class or subject (which I prefer). You can then download the answers in PDF or Microsoft Word format, depending on how you want to use them. Another advantage is how easy it is to collaborate with other teachers. It is enough that I share a task with a colleague for them to have access to the results. This is extremely valuable when, for example, we co-assessing in Swedish and Swedish as a second language. After using Exam on two occasions, the students are sure of how to use the system which is a huge advantage. I can choose to give individual students access to aids. This is most common with students who have some kind of reading and writing challenge. They can be entitled to spelling help without the rest of the class knowing, just by checking a box in settings. I think Exam is great to work with and I have thought so since day one.

Katarina Ek



Sweden is a huge time saver! Automatically corrected tests where appropriate, and in combination with questions which are not automatically corrected when that is suitable, makes me often able to correct exams the very day they are written! The students get instant feedback and we can address eventual problems immediately. In addition, a summary of the results that I can print also makes it very easily understandable. Besides, I can print the test for the students who need to work with paper and pen. It feels safe to use as I can ask the students to put away all papers, books and bags where any crib can be hidden. That they log out and can’t access other pages is perfect.

Caroline Mäktaavola


Nya Raketskolan


I always use for all written examinations in Swedish. It is easy to prepare tests or assignments, upload source texts, provide students with aids such as reading files, etc. Extremely user-friendly tool that makes assessment legally secure with the highest level of security and anonymity during a test situation. In addition, it is very good to be able to give access to colleagues so that students can continue their writing at different times. The function of students being able to ask questions is also used for teaching on site and not only for distant teaching. As for example in large classrooms or the teacher sitting in another room at that moment. Exam makes it easy for students to resume writing using the codes. Easy to print and then correct a test. It is a really good invention! In my school, we use Exam as much now as we did during distance teaching.

Anna Lidström


Nyköpings Enskilda Gymnasium


There is a lot to say. I use for multi-session exams (where I don't want the students to be able to continue a longer text at home and get help but it is easy to resume writing in the classroom the following lesson or lessons). I also use it for tests when students write on one occasion. In both cases, I use the settings for anonymous correction, which allows for more objectivity during marketing because I don't see student names. My colleagues sometimes corrects their exams digitally, by downloading Word-files and commenting on them. I usually print and correct on paper. When Printing, you can choose wider margins and line spacing so I can mark easily. It's good that you can choose whether students can have access to a dictionary or not. Now, during the exam students can see two documents at the same time next to the writing area, which is really good if you have questions and they need to refer to the text. The students take a writing assignment more seriously if it's in, compared to a "regular assignment" that they hand in. There will be more focus during the lesson. If you encounter a problem, the support responds relatively quickly.

Lena Olofsson


Aspero Idrottsgymnasium, Karlskrona


I use a lot in my teaching. I work as an English teacher and with the new self-correcting tests [auto-correct exam] we do all the listening and reading comprehensions tests as well as some grammar exercises in We also do writing assignments where you can choose which tools the students should have access to. It's easy to use and easy to correct afterwards. I prefer to use your self-correcting tests rather than than e.g. Google forms, since I can add correct answers to questions where the students will write a short answer themselves. Then it gets easier and easier the more tests I correct. is very useful for listening comprehension, because the students can listen on their own using headphones or listen when I play audio. Some students, who need more time, can listen by themselves while the rest can listen when I play it. I've used that a lot. The students think that it's great to be able to listen to texts at their own pace. I like that I can turn on and off resources and tools like dictionary, spelling etc. Some assignments you want to check without tools and others with. I like that Exam logs all activity, if the students leaves the test etc. Sometimes I want to have a semi open test, but still be able to have some control. It's easy to open the chat and help the students in the classroom without having to walk around too much and disturb the students while they are writing a test. Also in the classroom you want them to be able to work as undisturbed as possible.

Elin Holmerin

English Teacher

Kunskapsskolan Katrineholm


To begin with, I appreciate the simplicity of the programme, and so do the students. You can tell that teachers have been involved in designing the visuals and in deciding which tools may be necessary. For example, I appreciate that you can easily upload audio files for students with special needs. It’s easy for students to navigate during the test and technical questions rarely arise, e.g. about login or how aids are found / work. As a teacher, it is a great advantage to be able to monitor during the test, and also make individual adjustments for specific students. You can also tell that the students are familiar with the programme already from primary school and from other subjects, which means that a test can be started easily.

Jonathan Larsson



Sweden saves me from hours of marking! I work as an English teacher at a large High School. Each semester I need to collect assessment material from 200 students, for example reading and listening exercises. By having my tests digital I save many hours of manual marking. It takes some time to construct the exams but the time gain is huge!

Patrik Maxe Bauer

English Teacher

Roslagsskolan Norrtälje


Exam is very smooth to use for different types of writing assignments. It is easy to print the students’ answers in one and the same document, it saves me an incredible amount of time. The students like to write on the computer and think that Exam is easy to use. It’s good that I can choose which information I want them to fill in before, for example name, e-mail, class etc, but also that I can have the students’ answers fully anonymised in a simple way. It's very positive to be able to attach images or PDF files with information that they are supposed to write about.

Johanna Werder




First and foremost, thank you for creating such an amazing platform. It really did come in handy when my country, Malaysia, was in total lockdown last year. One of the teachers from my school stumbled upon this website and we have been using it ever since. Thank you for allowing us to use it for free last year. Since it served us well, my school principal decided to purchase the license this year for us to carry out the exams. What I like about this platform are the features and how convenient it is to run the tests. It is not too complicated - easy for students (even primary school students) to use this platform. Its security features make it possible to lock students out if they choose to leave the webpage. I can even conduct listening tests via this platform since I can upload the audio files. Apart from that, there's a record of students' activity and I can see how much they have written while the test is going on. There is actually a lot more that I could write about. I'd just like to sum it up in three words - It's the best! I'd recommend it to other schools without hesitation.Thank you!

Jennifer William Dungal


Pelita International School


I like the auto-marking, the additional tools and the fact that we can monitor students while they are doing the exam. It's challenging to use the different types of tests at first, but eventually it helped a lot in differentiation and making the test more interactive.



Southville International School and Colleges

Philippines has been a great tool and resource for my classes this year, particularly with security issues that arise in an online/distance learning environment. The setup and layout is extremely user-friendly both for staff and students and allows enough customization and accommodation for a variety of assessments. I recommend for any institution that wishes to deploy safe and secure assessments in conjunction with whatever online learning suite they currently use.

Jay Claytor

High School Languages Teacher

International Programs School

Saudi Arabia

It’s the most valuable, effective, efficient, trustworthy, and reliable testing tool in the time of the lockdown. It enables extremely personalized tests and is really easy to use.

Tina Mulec

English and Slovene teacher

Gimnazija Jesenice

Slovenia is amazing! As a teacher, it offers me various safety options and exam set-up options that cater for a variety of different subject requirements. Its integration with PDF and Google Drive is a lifesaver! We are still figuring out the Turnitin options but we are very excited to get these working! The SEB is amazing and the way that can save my students' answers while they are offline or disconnected is just wonderful. We have recently just had our whole school write their mid-year exams on and all has gone so well. We are just still managing subjects like maths and getting our students used to typing their maths exams is a challenge, but changes always are. I would definitely recommend this platform to any school that needs to consider an online testing platform. Thank you!!



St Alban's College

South Africa is very user friendly and easy to implement. Learners are able to access it on any device. I can add pictures, passages etc. It is also very easy to print the exams (which happened when our school internet went down). Very useful tool.

Bridget Webster

High School English Teacher

The Diocesan School for Girls

South Africa was very helpful during the Corona virus lockdown as we had to assess students doing their tests at home and it was very difficult to find a way to be fair. Besides, was appreciated by the students who could do their tests online without need to create a new account and also having the possibility of help for special needs students. I'll continue using it in class as it also avoids waste of paper and so much printed material, so it could also be useful for the environment. Another great advantage is the possibility to have access to the students' tests and to check them and, if necessary, to give them private suggestions. You can also add a dictionary, a calculator, audio or mind maps to the test which is very useful too.

Gabriella Galli


Liceo Scientifico "Padre Giovanni Bonsignori"


Excellent platform, clear, simple and effective that helps both the teacher and students in carrying out remotely written exams, in total safety. The double device helps control fraud.

Jean-Pierre Scarpelli

Language Professor

University of Basilicata

Italy has helped me offer differentiated assessments as well as implement summative assessments more easily. I am much less worried about cheating and/or plagiarism with summative assessments, as I can be actively engaged in their test taking experience, whether they are sitting in front of me or through zoom.



Sapienza Università di Roma

Italy is the most user-friendly platform for designing and administering tests. Students also love it! There are several extremely positive features such as:

  1. the inability of test-takers to visit other websites and "borrow" information for the tests (which helps prevent plagiarism),
  2. observing the amount of text produced by the test-takers in real-time,
  3. the simple self-explanatory design and layout of tests,
  4. the option to use chat with students and
  5. when I use medium security tests, test-takers are required to provide a justification if they leave their exam window before they are allowed re-enter to continue taking the test.

Overall, is reliable and stress-free.


University English Teacher

Ss. Cyril and Methodius University

Macedonia has helped a lot in terms of making sure tests and final examinations can be carried out without much hassle. I can monitor my students' progress when they're doing the test and I can also make sure they're not trying to search for the answers on the internet, due to the very high-security system in Furthermore, I can carry out more than one test simultaneously, and I can still monitor all the tests without worrying about whether the students from the other classes are being left out.

Alia Anuar

English Lecturer

Kolej Universiti Islam Perlis

Malaysia is the only one I use with my students. It has been so easy for me to use. My students have been able to use it efficiently and with a little help and explanation, they get it installed with no problem. I haven't really tried the auto-marking but uploading a word doc or PDF has worked very well for me. I also like that there are features of adding an audio/video and accents. It helps tremendously with my papers.

Brigitte Concessio

Language Teacher

Woodstock School


What a great and user-friendly tool when teachers have to do online exams during lock-down. Thank you for providing this service. It is well thought out.

Clotilde Berryma

Language Teacher

Sophia Mundi Steiner School

Australia has many wonderful features. Personally, I appreciate being able to download each student's paper in both PDF and MS Word. This allows me to keep an original for my records, and to comment and make in text changes to their answers in MS Word as part of the feedback process.

Emily Bari


Trio Schools


We have long been looking and hoping for a safe online browser for students to use for assessments. I was told by colleagues that is easy to use, and I discovered that commendation to be completely true. It really fills a need and does it so well.

Jonathan Ayres

High School English Teacher

French American International School (California)


It is easy to register and to generally use all the functions offered.

Wiseon Kim

Language Professor

Sapienza Università di Roma


I mainly use the tool because of the reliability it gives to the results I get, the evaluation process in the traditional and digital model is quite delicate. Before, I usually took my exams on other platforms, but being languages ​​and for beginner levels, I doubted the reliability of the results. This problem was solved by using As soon as the platform was recommended to me I started using it and recommending it to my colleagues, later with the function to create exams with different types of subsections, I was amazed. Now the students take the evaluations more seriously and are more familiar with the process they follow when they take exams to certify their level of English.

Guillermo Alvarado Gonzalez


Universidad Técnologica de Durango


Frankly, I was surprised by how practical it is to use the platform and the control you have when applying written evaluations to students.

Luis Fernando Barrientos Medina

Language Teacher



Thanks to I can monitor my students' progress in real time and consistently monitor their progress. It also allows me to see if anyone is not complying with the rules of conduct when it comes to taking an exam.

Jorge Antonio Melgar García


Cebu International School


A well-functioning and secure site for students to write essays and tests in. I think the best thing is the instant chat feature. As a teacher, I can read the students' texts as they write them and provide comments via chat when I need to.

Lena Östman


Brunnsängsskolan, Södertälje.


I think it is good because you can ensure that it is the students themselves who write, that it is not possible to copy and paste, and that you can turn off spell check etc. And that they cannot write at home, that's kind of the best thing.

Rani Roosling




For me the wordlists, to be able to upload PDF files, different security levels on the tests, easy to share and duplicate tests when to do the same test in several classes have been great.

Madelene Halvarsson


Kunskapsskolan Borlänge


Automatically corrected tests work excellently and are extremely timesaving. I appreciate also that there is a writing area without the tools that for example are included in Google docs.




Sweden has provided me with a safe digital space to assess my students in a variety of ways while allowing me the functionality to view students' work, support them while writing assessments, and mark assessments faster and more efficiently. It is a well-thought-out platform that is both intuitive and user-friendly!!


University Language Professor

Colegio Maria Inmaculada


Good day! is a very good tool that helps me in the evaluation of the students. It is reliable and clear, and easy to use.

Patricia Amatiello

Language Professor

Universidad Católica Argentina UCA - School of Engineering


No other platform offers such an intuitive or user-friendly interface as I am very thankful to be able to use it freely during the pandemic. I even recommended it to my colleagues. The students did not have any difficulties with their work or with submitting their written work.


Language Teacher



Easy to use and positive student experience. Appreciate how simple uploading and exam setup is. Most particularly I love the proctoring module.


Language Teacher

The Doon School

