As part of license you get Math for free - a question bank and test making tool for Math teachers is now integrated with Microsoft Teams for Education. Read more

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Excellent assessment tool.

Dr. Diptesh K

Science Teacher

VIBGYOR High School, NIBM, Pune

India really helped students with learning differences. I was able to record myself reading the directions to questions on the exam for students that were English Language Learners and students with dyslexia. is great for exam security. Overall, it is a simple program to use, and I highly recommend it!

Kathleen Laure

High School Chemistry Teacher

Pioneer Valley Chinese Immersion Charter School, Massachusetts


As students answer questions, I really like that their previous answers are hidden. My students told me this is really useful because it allows them to better focus on the next question. It also increases the level of security so kids aren’t copying from their neighbor which is very important to me.

Agnese Abate

High School Chemistry Teacher

Malvern Preparatory School, Pennsylvania


One type of question on my exams is drawing ray diagrams such as LIGHT & OPTICS. With, I can give that type of question. This includes how to type formulas in physics using special symbols correctly. I use for designing my daily tests, quizzes, and final exams.

Antonius Sugiarto

High School Physics Teacher

Santa Laurensia School


Based on our studies on various examination systems, is one of the best currently available for conducting the Synchronous Examination along with our video conferencing platform. For engineering courses, its required to write mathematical equations, drawings, and figures in their answers. The scan option is the best feature that allows students to upload their handwritten solutions directly to, from which lecturers can download easily for marking.

Dr Vengadeshwaran Velu

University Science Professor

Manipal International University

Malaysia has helped me deliver assessments to learners from different places at once. Apart from being user friendly, allows me to control levels of security. That way I can use it both in guided assessments where students would need to do a little bit of research when answering question and also in assessments where I will need to monitor them with strict exam conditions. Also, our school have been wishing to promote paperless working for decades as they wanted to practice what they teach. With, we can now administer tests and other assessments without hard copies. It has been a great pleasure to work with and I most certainly recommend it.

Godfrey Chishala

High School Science Teacher

Enjabulweni School


Security / cheating prevention is the most important feature to me. After I started using, I would google suspicious student answers to verify that they weren't copied and pasted. They were not, so it really confirmed to me that the exam was secure. No system is foolproof and teachers have to remain vigilant to maintain the integrity of their assessments. However, I found to be an excellent resource for reducing cheating and for ensuring that my assessments measure what my students have learned.

Jason Briski

High School Chemistry Teacher

St. Edward Central Catholic High School, Illinois


I love that I can see a realtime dashboard of my students’ progress through the assessment while they are taking an exam. It gives me more nuanced insight into students’ strengths and weaknesses as well as the difficulty of various portions of the assessment.

Laura Swiatek

High School Chemistry Teacher

Trinity Episcopal School , Virginia


I am one of the more techie teachers at our school. So far, we have 5 teachers using and I only and to help one teacher because it was so easy for them to get going with it.

Vickie Woodward

High School Chemistry and Math Teacher

North Star Charter School, Idaho


I love how easy it is for students to include handwritten work with their exam. I have kids that, similar to me, that like to write things down. With chemistry and math, sometimes it’s easier to write than type. They just point their phone at a QR code on the screen and then take a picture of their work. It gets attached to other answers.

Vickie Woodward

High School Chemistry and Math Teacher

North Star Charter School, Idaho

USA is actually built to meet flexible assessment needs. So far, I am enjoying the platform and have so much to learn to make assessment easier. Thank you!

Peter J. Agada

Mathematics and Science Teacher

Southville International School and Colleges


You can have several copies of the same test, one for each class. You can see how much time the students needed for taking the test. Easy to have all tests digitally. Easy to access from any computer. Easy to share tests with other teachers.



Kunskapsskolan Uppsala

Sweden is a reliable digital exam invigilator and both students and teachers can quickly get started without any hassle. makes it easier for me to give students adjustments both in test situations and outside them, e.g. by reading text with speech synthesis or by the usage of dictionaries. has lightning-fast support that gives you clear answers when you need help. gives me a real time overview of students' work during ongoing exams. helps me to make a legally secure assessment of exams because student answers can be anonymized until I am done correcting all exams.

Sam Skoglund




It works great. I have used the tool for three years with all exams on It's easy to upload references as PDF. It's easy to print student answers. You avoid difficult handwriting so the correction process is faster than students writing tests on paper. Everything is saved, so no tests disappear. No need to print and copy exams nor to handle paper. I will definitely continue with

Lena Eriksson


Eksjö Gymnasium

Sweden is my preferred way of designing exams for my students because the benefits are so many: - I can make tests that are self-correcting (it saves correction time for me as a teacher) - It is safe against cheating, because students start the test in safety mode - It is a good way for all of those who need to be able to take the test on a computer - The students who are absent can write at the same time as the others in the class. Admittedly, the students who are at home can look at their notes at the same time, but I have solved this by also giving the students in the classroom access to their notes during the test. If you have studied, you know how to find it in your notes (or books) and if you have not studied, notes and books still don't help because you don't know where to look to get the answers anyway. - All exams are collected in one place so you do not run the risk of tests getting lost. - The spelling feature is good for students with spelling difficulties. In other words you can always read what the students write and you do not have to interpret their handwriting - You can always go back and show the tests to the students at a later time.

Li Bäckdahl


Linnéskolan, Älmhult


Overall very satisfied. However, I don't use the self-correcting function. I am pleased with the simplicity of use. It speeds up the correcting process, eliminates the risk of tests being lost, and makes it easier to see what the students have actually written (compared to when they write by hand). I also like the function that I can share the test with other teachers, so that many can access and let the students write the test (if i would not be available). I also like that you can copy a test and multiply it (for several different classes).

Emma Rova


Kunskapsskolan i Enköping


The fact that students can take their test on the computer has several advantages. 1. As a teacher, I know that all the tests are in the same place. 2. They can draw in a drawing area 3. Students who speak other languages ​​have access to translation tools. 4. It is safe against cheating, especially in high security mode.





A good tool since it is legally secured in the classroom due to the high security mode, smooth with autocorrection, tools for translation and synonyms, and also subject-specific tools that very easily can be added while creating tests. The possibility to scan answers from a paper is also useful sometimes but requires more supervision since it most often means that a cellphone has to be used.



Amerikanska gymnasiet Stockholm


Above all, it is a very well thought-out platform that is easy to use and access, both for students and teachers. There are no complicated paths or codes or passwords. There is the possibility of doing and applying the exams as close as possible to face-to-face exams: you can upload the exams that you have already done and saved in PDF format and the students are given the opportunity to answer without changing screens, once they are finished you download them in word format, ready to qualify. At the time of application of the exam, the student has a chat to communicate directly with the teacher. The teacher can see what the student answers in real time. Security is great, there is the option to lock the exam if the student leaves the screen.

Emelia Merino


SPAC Institute, A.C.


I appreciate the possibility of self-correcting question types. Another big plus is the possibility of LaTeX formulas for equations and pictures in both questions and answer alternatives. I was pleasantly surprised by both the simplicity and the possibilities of the system.

Nikodemus Karlsson

Mathematics Teacher

Åva gymnasium

Sweden is easy to work with, a fast and reliable platform. It gives students an opportunity to both write a test and choose answers. There is also smart cheat protection, in case a student wants to use additional sources for the test, but not his own knowledge. The tests are afterwards easily processed and the results are clear. I recommend to all my colleagues.

Sabina Nedkova


Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov University


I have used for the last two years and find the whole system to be well designed. It is easy to upload my exams, proctor them in real time and download the answers afterwards. This is the perfect product for giving exams at a distance. Thank you programmers.

Ian Townley

Science Department Chair and Teacher

Saint George's Upper School, Washington


One type of question on my exams is drawing ray diagrams such as LIGHT & OPTICS. With, I can give that type of question. This includes how to type formulas in physics using special symbols correctly. I use for designing my daily tests, quizzes, and final exams.

Antonius Sugiarto

School Principal

Santa Laurensia School


I have had a great experience with I specifically like several aspects:
1. Uploading a PDF file made it a seamless transition to a more secure platform for at home learners.
2. The speech tool has been a huge help for our learning support students who typically require someone to read them the test.
3. The ability to share the exam with other teachers means the learning support teacher has access to allow for the extended time for students.
4. I use the 'preview exam' option to create an answer key for myself so it is formatted the same way as the student answer sheets.
5. In the student answer section, I like that they have the ability to edit and use the strikeout function. I put my matching terms there and they can cross them off as they use them.

Overall the secure browser has allowed me to have peace of mind that I am doing my best to keep it an even playing ground for all students to prevent cheating.

Barbara Moss

AP Biology Teacher

Abington Heights High School, Pennsylvania


I like the auto-marking, the additional tools and the fact that we can monitor students while they are doing the exam. It's challenging to use the different types of tests at first, but eventually it helped a lot in differentiation and making the test more interactive.



Southville International School and Colleges


For our university we require essay-style exams and still strict about using multiple choice exams. This is the go to tool for short and long essays. I also use Google Forms through Google Classroom but many times had issues the Google products with students losing their exams because of an internet glitch. I love the reliability of Even if student get disconnected, they don't lose their work. And I can let them back in to finish up. The security is awesome, but I would recommend first using the lowest setting and then experiment with increasing security with quizzes before using it for a major exam. Just a reminder from the system will usually be enough to keep students honest. Also I am using this new tool as a chance to rethink how you give exams. I am experimenting with having students work together on exams but then have their own original answers.

Brian Phillips

Science Professor

Mahidol University International College (MUIC)


My name is Francisco Peraza, I work as a teacher in the area of ​​physics and mathematics at the José Engling School in Ecuador. has been a very useful tool for my evaluations, since it allows me to make self-correcting exams and through the scanning tool to attach the procedures that the students do. That way I can control that they do not lack academic honesty. On the other hand, with its drawing tools, calculator and attaching PDF documents, I can give my students the peace of mind of always being able to make a graph, do calculations with the scientific calculator or simply give them a form made by me in PDF. It really changed my life, now I have more time to spend with my family. Thanks for this tool. Congratulations

Francisco Peraza

Physics Professor

Colegio Católico José Engling


Essentially offers full control over the classroom when taking tests. I quite like being able to follow the students' responses in real time, because it allows me to make an evaluation of the students' development.

Rony Arteaga




Exams are very easy to design. The high security option makes it difficult for students to plagiarize during the test. Uploading support files and scanning solutions makes it easy to take and correct the exam. I believe that the option to enable and close the exam automatically, based on date and time, should be programmed.

Alberto Eduardo Paz Gómez

Science Professor

Universidad Metropolitana


This is a no-nonsense and highly functional online exam platform. As with so many things, this European-built platform feels less corporate than US-built products. The platform was a lifesaver in March 2020 when I had to go online at short notice.

Wolfgang Bein

Computer Science Professor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas


This has been helpful with conducting class text and examinations. The PDF upload has been helpful as well as the ability for students to scan their answers by mobile phone.

Sarah Jaravaza


Arundel School


I enjoy how easy it is for students to access the exams by a simple code. I also enjoy downloading their answer scripts, and the fact that they can upload their work by scanning from their phones. I have recently used auto-marking and it is really easy to set up and flexible.

Glen Morris

Physical Sciences Educator

Richards Bay Christian School

South Africa has been absolutely fantastic in administering our examinations. It is a user- friendly, secure and efficient platform. Teachers at our school are very happy to be using it to set exams and class tests. As a chemistry teacher I was initially not sure that I would be able to have all the necessary functions such as writing chemical formulas and calculations, but it certainly has all the features. Students have also found it very easy to navigate and to do their exams.

Nilaufer Rajwar


Newtown High School of Performing Arts


I use it a lot, with every test/exam I provide. I’m a science teacher and here are the things I like: 1) The option to randomise multiple choice questions. 2) The auto-answer of multiple choice. 3) The secure lockdown from browsers. 4) Students who leave must explain themselves before reentering, but can still reenter. 5) The maths options. 6) The uploading options. 7) The possibility to download to Google doc makes it easy to mark. I believe it is really worth it.

Deborah Dale

Science Teacher and IBDP coordinator

EARJ (Escola Americana do Rio de Janeiro)


I like's ease of use and auto-marking. It is not difficult to use and we can see the student activity to follow up and I like the fact that we can force submission of exams. It is also easy to collect the exams and print.

Carla Zita

Science Teacher

Trichardt School for Christian Education

Mozambique has helped the teaching team to take introductory exams to programming using the python language safely, synchronously and remotely.


Computer Science Professor

Universidad Católica Argentina UCA - School of Engineering


I love working with! The preparation of the exams goes very smoothly and because of the automatic correction of my multiple choice exams I have the result immediately. The (adult) students are also very satisfied to take the exam remotely in this way. is very intuitive; the security is top notch and the chat function between student and teacher is very useful. As a teacher, I also find the archive function very useful: your exams are still available but are no longer visible in the overview. The copy function is also easy. has already saved me a lot of time! I also worked with open questions exams. This also works very smoothly since you can make a PDF of all exams to send to the corrector.


Science Professor



The app is very interactive and assists students in their examination. Students feel more comfortable with the result as the app helps with monitoring the students and cheating is reduced drastically. Thank you

Abayomi Okunuga

Mathematics Teacher

Meadow Hall

Nigeria has helped me by delivering assessments to learners from different places at once. Apart from being user friendly, allows me to control levels of security. That way I can use it both in guided assessments where students would need to do a little bit of research when answering questions and also in assessments where I will need to monitor them with strict exam conditions. Its ability to work with zoom is a good feature, and I say this not for myself alone, but for the school at large. It is hard to accept assessments that teachers did not invigilate as valid but, with allowing learners to zoom and turn cameras on during the sessions, some level of validity has been attained for sure. Schools have been wishing to promote paperless working for decades as they wanted to practice what they teach. With, we can now administer tests and other assessments without hard copies. It has been a great pleasure to work with and I most certainly recommend it.

Godfrey Chishala

Science Teacher

Enjabulweni School


Both me and my students love this application. It helped a lot to organize online exams in good conditions. For me as a teacher, it is so easy to make a PDF with the items and just upload it. For the students, it is equally easy to elaborate their answers in the generated word file, as the application comes with an easy-to-use toolbox. Also, it provides tools to set up different security levels and avoid cheating.

Corina Rosioru

Science Professor

Babeș-Bolyai University


I uploaded a PDF of an exam and for another exam I copied and pasted a text from Word. Very easy to manage and very useful for controlling those who want to access other sites. I'm very happy.

Francesca Argenziano

Science Teacher


Italy is a great tool. It gives teachers so many options and gives students an opportunity to show what they know safely, with many tools that help us differentiate for students with challenges.

Mary de Sa

Science Teacher

EARJ (Escola Americana do Rio de Janeiro)

Brazil has provided me with a safe digital space to assess my students in a variety of ways while allowing me the functionality to view students' work, support them while writing assessments, and mark assessments faster and more efficiently. It is a well-thought-out platform that is both intuitive and user-friendly!!


Science Teacher

TMS School


It's a secure platform to assess student learning. Students can write online or write on paper and upload it. This software is easy to use as a teacher or student. It gives flexibility in preparing for different types of exams.

Dr. Neelu Sharma

Science Teacher

ACS Hillingdon International School

United Kingdom

This has been the only tool in this online learning for students to be able to show honesty during all assessments.


Science Teacher

Metropolitan School of Panama


I appreciate being able to follow the students’ answers when they are taking the test (especially during distance learning). It’s very good that the answers are saved and can be printed. Unfortunately, I haven’t used self-correcting yet, but I will look into that! The speech synthesis is good. Now when we’re back at school I continue using I often give the students the opportunity to take an analog test as well, for the one who prefers that, but they are a minority. Students appreciate writing on the computer where they can easily move between questions and have two windows open; the test page and their text. Being able to enlarge shapes is good. It saves time and paper to print tests and also archiving

Lena Larsson Blomberg


Täby Enskilda Gymnasium


I am a full professor in computer science at the Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy, and I teach principles of Computer Architectures at the freshmen/women entering the 3-years bachelor degree in Computer Systems and Networks Security (around 250 students every year). I used with SEB during the last two years, and I am definitely satisfied about the characteristics of this platform. About the features I found most useful, I can mention:
1. the possibility of observing in real time what every student already wrote in her/his exam, thus allowing me to monitor student work and to identify suspect behaviors (e.g., inactive students, maybe waiting for some external input…);
2. the control tools available: timer, possibility of forcing end of single exams as well as of the whole class;
3. the chat, allowing interactions with single students without disturbing the overall class;
4. the easiness of setting up exams and of duplicating them for students requiring different timing limits, as it happens e.g. for students affected by Specific Learning Disorders, allowed by the Italian law to have additional time.

Nello Scarabottolo

Professor of Computer Science

Università degli Studi di Milano

Italy is very flexible and to be able to export as PDFs or to Google Docs for grading is great. To allow individual student settings is very helpful for my ELL (English Language Learners) and learning support students. The split screen and the additional resources are great too so I can offer support materials or graphs and data for the students to see.


Science Teacher

Universal American School

United Arab Emirates

The ease of use is great and the students also find it very easy to work with. Less use of paper and thus a very BIG saving for the environment.

Nixon Nyangaga

Head Of Physical and Health Education Department

International School of Kenya


It has been a great tool for students to complete exams, the lockdown function is awesome for doing this. The interface is also flexible and easy to use, to keep control of your students' exams.

Arturo Escoto


CETYS Universidad Campus Tijuana

