Come parte della licenza di, riceverete gratuitamente Math, una banca di domande e uno strumento per la creazione di test per gli insegnanti di matematica. è ora integrato con Microsoft Teams for Education. Per saperne di più

What’s new on the platform in January 2024

Welcome back to a new semester! We are excited to share with you some of the newly released features that hopefully will help you craft, conduct and mark your exams with ease.

Microsoft Teams Integration 

In a complex world of digitalization, we know the importance of various systems working seamlessly together. Microsoft Teams integration allows you to publish exams, share exam keys and share results with one click! (We also have a Google Classroom integration with similar capabilities.)

Read more about the integration here

Collega il tuo esame con uno strumento LMS alla voce Configurazioni quando crei un esame.

Visualizzare una domanda alla volta

You can now let students see one question at a time on their screen during the exam. To focus on one question at the time provides a clean interface for students and creates focus. It also reduces the risk of cheating. 

This setting is found in Exam creator flow

One question is displayed at a time in the exam view.

“Grid” question type

Based on your feedback, we have launched a new question type, with possibility for automarking. We call this question type “Grid” and it lets students categorize the presented statements into various buckets, as seen in the example below. 

You find this among the question types in the Exam creator flow

Our 'Grid' question type is built as a table with rows and columns.

Exam preview

To preview your exam during exam creation is now just one click away! Just click on the “eye”-icon in the upper right corner when creating an exam. 

Preview exam from the exam creator by clicking on the preview button in the top bar.

A few more callouts! 

  • Would you or your school like some guidance on how to use most efficiently for your needs? Schedule time with our Customer Success Manager Aviva here for a personalized session.  
  • Please follow our page on LinkedIn to get more announcements on the product features, case studies and more! copre un'ampia gamma di esigenze di test e fornisce un modo conveniente ed efficiente per creare e condurre test online. Scoprite di più su come creatore di test online flessibile e facile da usare.


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