Come parte della licenza di, riceverete gratuitamente Math, una banca di domande e uno strumento per la creazione di test per gli insegnanti di matematica. è ora integrato con Microsoft Teams for Education. Per saperne di più

What’s new on the platform in February

Miniatura del messaggio

As we move forward into the new year, we have been working hard to bring you the best possible experience for creating, conducting and grading exams. We understand the effort and time it takes you to craft a great exam for your students. With this in mind, we are introducing several updates aimed at giving you more control while also simplifying the exam experience.

The New Exam Editor

Testing student knowledge is an important but time-intensive process that requires an exam or test to be created with clear questions, accurate answers, appropriate settings, necessary tools, planning, and so much more. With so many things to consider, we understand the importance of an intuitive and focused platform to support this process.

Therefore, we have dedicated the last months to completely redesigning the Exam Editor with you as a teacher in mind. Our goal has been to enhance the experience while maintaining the familiar features and functionality you already know. 

There are two significant changes made. First, teachers love that supports different types of exams from essay-style exams to PDF-based exams to structured exams (e.g. multiple choice). The step to choose your exam type is now more clear and more visual. 

Second, we now separate the exam questions from exam settings, allowing you to focus on one part at a time. Additionally, we have improved exam visibility, making it easier to get an overview of the entire exam at any time. 

To try out the new Exam Editor, simply click on the “Try it Out” button on the blue bar when starting to create an exam.

Real-time Monitor Statistics

When it’s time for you to conduct an exam, we know how important it is for everything to go smoothly.  So, we’ve made the real-time exam statistics more visible. This gives you more control during the exam to ensure all your students get their results submitted and aren’t having any problems.You can find the feature in the Monitoring view during an ongoing exam.

Filter Students Based on Submission Time is used in a broad spectrum of situations. From in-class exams with strict monitoring to homework assignments with more flexible submission times. For the latter, we understand that teachers need to know when a test is submitted in order to focus on marking students that have recently submitted. Therefore, we have improved the visibility of student submission times under the student results tab. While we were at it, we also included filtering on points, names, class and teacher under the same view.

Effortless Marking of Points with One Click

Auto-marked questions are useful in many scenarios, but we understand that student answers can include anything from images, complex calculations or recordings – all of which are hard to auto-mark. To make the exam marking easier for these answers, we have introduced shortcuts to assign zero, maximum, or any other number of points. The feature is found in the Results tab under “Monitoring/Results” and can of course also be used to overwrite auto-marked questions.

Instant Feedback for Students

This feature was not initially part of our release plan, but after talking to teachers we found that there are countless scenarios where both teachers and students could benefit from getting instant feedback after a student submits their exam. From quizzes and self-tests to formative assessments and homework assignments, such a feature could help students identify areas where they need more practice while reducing the burden on teachers to communicate results to students. 

Teachers can turn this feature on for a particular exam under the exam configurations section of an auto-marked exam.

Enhanced Student User Interface

As a teacher, you may not see the student view that often, nevertheless it’s important that the experience is seamless and easy to navigate to save both your time and minimize frustration for students. We’ve made several improvements to the student user interface but here are the highlights: we have made zoom buttons for PDFs more accessible, made it more intuitive to attach images in questions, and other enhancements aimed at creating an intuitive and self-explanatory experience. 

Rimanete in contatto!

Come responsabile del prodotto su, ascoltare i nostri utenti e insegnanti è ciò che guida le nostre decisioni su come migliorare la piattaforma. Ci farebbe piacere sentire da voi, quindi non esitate a inviarci un'email con idee di miglioramento che vi piacerebbe vedere prossimamente!

With online teaching tools, you can become more efficient and quickly create new exams or reuse old ones. Read more about as your online teaching tool for digital assessments.


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