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Christ’s College Digital Assessment Evolution

Christ's College Fallstudie - Foto mit Logo

Christ’s College·is an independent boys school from grades 9 to 13 in Christchurch, New Zealand. The school’s assessment is provided by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) which comprises both internal assessment components as well as external examinations.

The school had previously trialled different·online assessment·platforms, and had been an easy choice, particularly for its ease of use and useful features. As teaching returned to the classroom, though, the question remained as to whether teaching and learning would benefit from the continued use of

“ has been a very reassuring solution for us, especially when it comes to ensuring academic honesty around Chat GPT.”

Nicola Billante, Assistant Principal at Christ’s College

Read the full case study

By using anonymization and accessibility tools, online assessment can remove unconscious bias and provide fair assessment. Read more about as your online assessment platform.

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