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Teylingen College: Supporting traditional teaching with flexible digital tools

Teylingen College

Teylingen College Leeuwenhorst is a secondary school located in Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands. The school offers a wide range of programs to cater to the needs of just over 1300 students. Robbert van Empel is one of the 122 teachers working at the school, his teaching subject being History.

Robbert is also his school’s ‘Digi-coach’ and a member of the Digital Council that oversees a diverse group of schools local to the area: Teylingen College Duinzigt, Teylingen College – KTS, Fioretti College, Hillegom, Fioretti College Lisse and ISK Duin- en Bollenstreek. The council is tasked with keeping up-to-date on trends in educational technology, AI developments and other digital tools to support teachers in their everyday work. Teylingen College Leeuwenhorst alone has conducted over 30 000 digital tests on the platform since it was first adopted, freeing up time and simplifying test administration for teachers in the process.

“We felt very confident knowing that Sweden had used this tool for a long while and that it’s approved by the Swedish government for the national tests. The data is also kept in Europe – this was one of the big reasons why we choose to use for our schools”

Robbert van Empel,
Teylingen College

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