As part of license you get Math for free - a question bank and test making tool for Math teachers is now integrated with Microsoft Teams for Education. Read more

Examnet Logo transformed Teaching and Learning at Örnsköldsviks Gymnasium

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Kristina is a language teacher at Örnsköldsviks Gymnasium and back in 2017 she was looking for an online teaching tool where her students could write, adjust and revise written texts without the inconvenience of working by hand and to mark their work more easily.

Magnus sat in the adjoining office and being a Mathematics teacher, was looking for a digital assessment tool with built-in access to a calculator and Geogebra so that Mathematics exams could be run without the need for extra devices on the students’ desks. 

In addition, both Kristina and Magnus required the digital tool to be reliable and secure, preventing student access to the internet during an assessment and so remove the opportunity to cheat or collude with others. They needed to feel confident that they could use this tool even for high stakes examinations.

After some research and sharing of ideas, the solution for both of them was found in

An online assessment platform needs to be so intuitive that everyone – all teachers and all students – can use it… lives up to that.”

Magnus Wallberg, Mathematics teacher,
Örnsköldsviks Gymnasium

Read the full case study

By using anonymization and accessibility tools, online assessment can remove unconscious bias and provide fair assessment. Read more about as your online assessment platform.

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